And just in case you want to relive some great pictures and moments.. you can read my post from last year here:
( By the way, I've figured out how to "link". On my own. But that is really as far as I've gotten with that resolution)
I decided to make our anniversary a two-part celebration. You see, we have traditions. And those are important in the scheme of things. It is also important to me to not have to drive all over town on my day off from work - especially when I have a million other things planned. So, I planned our traditional Bonefish Grill dinner last night. A dinner that was gratefully paid for by Santa. And with the way that I "shop" at Bonefish - it will last us at least five meals.
Thanks Santa!
Two orders of Bang Bang Shrimp. Two loaves of bread. All for $10.80! It just so happened to be a Wednesday special.
This is truly one of my favorite meals. OF.ALL.TIME! I just make some rice to go along with it and we are all set....
And we still had enough left over to make Kev two lunches.
Tonight - our actual anniversary - I am making a vegetable stir fry with soba noodles to go along with our FEAST of sushi.
Other than that, I've got a Body Pump class, a Yoga class, and an Ab class to get to.
I hope I'm not ridiculed for having chipped toenail polish. Of course, it wouldn't be the worst thing that I've ever done.
Happy Anniversary sweet Kev!! I love you SO much! And am looking forward to the next sixteen!
Happy Anniversary!