The Excellent Adventures of Kim and Kev

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Supper

I promised I would tell you all about our "Kickoff to Spring" supper.

So, here it is. 

I got the recipe from Jessica at How Sweet It Is.

I have made SO many of her recipes... and love every single one.  She has a great way of taking something plain - like shrimp or chicken - and making it taste amazing while still being healthy.

She also has some pretty amazing UN-healthy desserts on her site.  Not that I would know anything about that.

The recipe that I used for this meal involved shrimp, tacos, and avocados.

And you all know how I feel about avocados.

The recipe could have been for liver tacos .... and I would have still tried it.

Minus the liver.  Eww!

Anyway, before I get to the food part, I HAVE to share with you this new incredible kitchen tool that Kev surprised me with.

 It is a "breader"!!  As in breading something to fry.

Except for we don't really fry things that often around here. 

But it works perfectly when I need something lightly breaded.  Like the shrimp.

I first saw one of these at Shannon and Randy's fish fry.  ( yum! fish fry!) He was cranking out batches of fried fish like nobody's business.  All because of this useful tool.

Basically, you put the cornmeal or flour or whatever you use to coat your stuff in the bottom...

 In this case, I used whole wheat flour.

Then you put the blue tray in and add your meat.  Or veggies. 
 Cover your meat (or veggies) with all the spices you care to use.  ( Some crushed red pepper always seems to "accidentally" jump in)

And then put on the lid. 

You can then shake it.  Or throw it up in the air.  Or run around the house with it up above your head military style while screaming about how much you love this thing.

Not that I would know anything about that.

And then, within minutes, you get this...
 That is minutes and minutes off of my life that I was able to get  back.  It would have taken me FOREVER to bread each one of those shrimp.

I cooked them 2 minutes per side in olive oil over medium high heat.
 That little bit of whole wheat flour made the shrimp taste amazing.  And different from the same ole same ole.

Meanwhile, I was making a fresh "Spring" salsa.  With tomatoes, mangoes, avocado, and red onion.
 The idea of putting fruit with my veggies used to totally freak me out.  Until I tried it - by force I should add.  And then I completely fell in love.  It is such a delicious combination of flavors.  And the mango perfectly balances out all of the spice that I seem to put in every thing.

The finished product...
My tortillas were pretty big.  So, we each only had one.  And Kev's had cheese on it, of course.

The tortillas are made by La Tortilla Factory.  And have become my new favorite.  They are whole wheat but taste just like fresh regular ones.  Unfortunately, I can only find them at The Fresh Market and Whole Foods. 

Fortunately, I seem to go to those places all the time.  :)

Kev has been eating these tacos for lunch for the past two days.  And I still have enough to make him one more lunch.

I love meals like that.

And I love that because he has been so busy the last two days.. I have been living off of hummus, guacamole, carrots, strawberries, greek yogurt and nut butter filled muffins.

It is so fun to just eat snacks every couple of hours.

Especially when I am still sore from the crazy thing that I did yesterday morning.

I will tell you all about it next.  It deserves it's own post.

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