The Excellent Adventures of Kim and Kev

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Say Yes To The Dress

At least I hope she will.

My sister, Shannon, that is. 

She is getting married in two months. 

And it is about time that she gets her dress.  :)

I came up with the idea to go shopping together.  To help her pick out the dress for her special day.

The problem is that I've never been wedding dress shopping.  In fact, I've never even worn a wedding dress. And just in case you don't believe me.... you can see for yourself here

(I apologize if those pictures give you nightmares.)

So, I had to use my mad fashion skillz and every thing that I've learned from watching hours upon hours of "Say Yes To The Dress" to help her pick out the perfect one.

Luckily, the consultant brought our vision to life with the very first dress.

It was breathtaking.  And I may have cried a little.

Especially when I heard the price.

Because I knew it was out of Shan's budget.

But the consultant came through for us once again with dress number four.

Another tear jerker. 

I think/hope it is THE ONE. 

Shannon has until Friday to decide.

And just because it is impolite for me to post pics of Shannon in her dress... because believe me, I took plenty...

I will post some of my other photography subject..... sweet little Abigail Marie.

She was such a good baby during the entire process.  She barely made a sound. 

She stayed deep in thought....

 Got bored...

 Tried to ask a question....

 Got a little upset when we didn't answer...
 Got sleepy...
 And then sucked on a pacifier that was bigger than her face.

I loved spending the afternoon with such special girls... (my niece, Ashlynn, was there as well)

The best thing to do after lots of shopping..... EAT!

We wrapped up our day by eating lunch at Olive Garden.

A place that I am afraid has just about NOTHING healthy to eat.  Except for the salad.  Minus the dressing.

And some minestrone soup.  It may not have been the most fun thing to eat for lunch... but it did the trick.  Which means it gave me enough energy to spend the majority of the lunch talking about food.

Food for Easter, Mother's Day, and most importantly... THE WEDDING. 

I have it all documented in my special food notebook.  A book that I am never without. 

You never know when you need to discuss recipes.  And plan parties. 

And.. to be honest... some times I just like to read it.  For a midday pick-me-up. 

Hi.  My name is Kim.  And I'm addicted to food.

I think it's ok, though.  Because I can admit it.  :)

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