The Excellent Adventures of Kim and Kev

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thirty Candles For Kristen

How can this be? I have three siblings now in their thirties? My parents have FOUR kids that are in their mid-life? Impossible! It is especially impossible to believe when you look at this beautiful face.......

That's right folks. She turns 30 today! By the time I turned thirty.... I already looked like I had been left out to pasture for too long, I had been rode hard and put away wet, I was headed to the glue factory. I basically looked, smelled, and ate like a horse.

Thank goodness Kev likes horses. I think.

Kristen Marie was born on May 25, 1979. She was the fourth child, fourth daughter, and my third sister. She was the tiniest little "mouse" and had to be kept under a heat lamp for a couple of days. The size in which she was born proved to affect her life in positive ways.

#1 She earned the super cute nickname "mouse" or "Krismouse" or "KrustyKrisaliciousMouse"or really just about any variation of the word mouse. That nickname was regarded as lucky as I was associated with "horse", "beaver", and "woodchuck".

#2 She has a permanent dark healthy tan. From the heat lamp.

#3 Look how cute she looks in this dress. I'm sure this has something to do with her being born tiny. And not because she is a healthy vegetarian who works out regularly. Have I mentioned how much I loved her dress. I might ask to borrow it. I could wear it on my arm.
#4 And how about these delightful earrings? Certainly the fact that she looks great and is dressed so darn cute has to do with her heat lamp nap.

Things we HAVE in common:
SHARING A ROOM- We shared a bedroom when Kristen was about 4 and I was 11. It would be bedtime ( it was 8pm - which is when I start cooking dinner these days)... lights out... prayers said... I would close my eyes to go to sleep... and Kristen would start singing. Random childhood songs. Every night. I would tell her over and over to be quiet and she would just keep right on singing. Until she fell asleep. Which may or may not have taken at least 15 minutes. It used to drive me crazy but now is one of my fondest memories of her as a youngun'.
HAIR MAINTENANCE- We are the only two GIRLS in the family to have had Brazilian waxes. (I've never asked the guys - so, I'm not sure if any of them have or not) However, now that I think about it.... Kristen is actually the only one to COMPLETE a wax as I chickened out half way through and asked to be released from the horror. I walked in circles for weeks due to my lopsidedness.
FOOD- We have love for the same foods. Like Greek, Mexican, Italian... and more specifically spinach dip, mexican dip, and sangria. Basically we love party foods. Oh... and sushi. Kristen introduced me to sushi at her bachelorette party. Yum!
Things we do NOT have in common:
ATHLETICS - Kristen was a cheerleader and excelled at dance, softball, gymnastics and hula hooping. She excelled in anything she attempted to do athletically. Even darts. We all know from previous posts that I excelled at just about nothing - except for being cranky, bossy, and being able to sing every song from every video that was ever put on Mtv.....up until 1990. After that it pretty much became a reality show.
CLEANLINESS/ORGANIZATION - Her house is spotless at all times. Not a speck of dirt, a bunny made of dust, or a sparkle of glitter. Every inch is organized. Every part of her life planned. Now, I'm not saying that my house is dirty... mostly... but there may be some stacks of mail, baskets full of laundry, tea bags sitting on the counter, and a pile of empty water bottles sitting next to me .. as we "speak"... on the couch. Typing makes me thirsty.
MOTHERHOOD - She has the most incredible, intelligent son. He is such a joy to be around and I love spending time with him. I consider Elijah one of her greatest achievements!
Now for the festivities.....

We had originally planned to go to the lake for her birthday party. But then it started to rain. and it rained. and rained. I've realized lately that if I have the day off ... it is going to rain. No worries, though, because my Mom's back up plan worked out wonderfully. We just partied at the parents' house. Kristen's good friends, Jana and Ryan, came to help celebrate. It was tense for a second as we tried to "mind our manners" and "behave appropriately".... but anyone who has experienced us knows that we can't contain ourselves for long. So, ultimately, it was a rip-roaring, helluva good time. Dirty jokes included.
Here is the happy couple......

Here is Kristen with all of her loot. She got everything that she needs to have an amazing time at the beach. And at Kohls.

Here is her greatest achievement...... Elijah. Showing the hula hoop who's boss. Just like his Mother.

Kristen, we hope you have an incredible 30th year!! Happy Birthday! We love you!

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