The Excellent Adventures of Kim and Kev

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kooking With Kim - Vacation Special

Ok. So you all know how much I love to cook. I mean I. LOVE. TO. COOK. exclamation point.

And being on vacation gives me the opportunity to cook a LOT more than usual. So much so that my dishwasher has run daily - some times twice in a day. Every utensil has been used. Every appliance turned on. Every cabinet and drawer has been opened and shut.

And the kitchen is down right sick of me at this point. In fact the kitchen is looking so forward to me going out of town and giving it a break that it even packed my bags for me.

Or maybe it was Kev who packed my bags. He could probably use a break too.

Regardless, I am still cooking as we speak. To ensure that Kev is fed properly while I am gone. The idea of him eating mixed nuts and frozen pizza makes me cranky.

And no one likes me when I'm cranky. Even if I am dressed as Minnie Mouse with fake eyelashes.

Anyway, I figured I would re-cap some of the winning dishes for you. In case you wanted some ideas.....

It all started with a rose. A rose that Kev picked for me out of our rose garden/peculiar circle of bushes that happened to produce ONE rose in October.

It gave me the idea to have a tea party. Because we all know that Kev's idea of a fun Saturday afternoon is to have a dainty lunch with me.

He is such a good sport/husband/tea party buddy that a girl could ever ask for. Not to mention that the food turned out to be delish and has been requested for future meals.

The menu:

Pink Lemonade

Chicken salad stuffed croissants ( containing pecans, grapes, cranberries, and green onion)

Cheeseball ( chipped beef, green onion, cream cheese, pecans )

Veggies and crackers

Simple but refreshing and yummy...

Another great meal was Roasted Red Pepper Shrimp with Roasted Red Pepper Biscuits.

Um.... DIVINE! I got the biscuit recipe from Smoky Mountain Cafe ( a blog that I follow located on the right hand side). So easy to make but packed with flavor and goodness. The shrimp recipe was made with a cream cheese sauce. With red peppers, fresh parm, and garlic.
Kev promised me a pony for this delight.....

And then there have been several things that the pictures did not turn out for.... so you are just going to have to trust me.
Like the "Marlboro Man Sandwich" - cubed steak with mushrooms and onions in a meaty gravy on hoagie rolls. ( Courtesy of The Pioneer Woman)
And the Tex Mex Breakfast Burritos - Hot sausage, Sante Fe Hashbrowns, eggs, and Mont Jack in a flour tortilla. ( Courtesy of The Pioneer Woman)
Oh... and then there is the cheese ball. The one I made on Saturday that Kev is still eating on. Because I made it the size of my head. For the TWO of us.
And that brings me to my other issue. Fridge space. Because every single one of these meals has resulted in TONS of left overs. Not to mention all of the treats I have made.... that I will put on another post.
When I learn portion control.... in cooking and in eating. You will be the first to know. But until that time... I sure am having a great time in my kitchen. And ultimately, that is what Kev designed it for.
To baby sit me and my food addictions.

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