The Excellent Adventures of Kim and Kev

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Wedding Of The Century

It is finally the BIG day.

April 10, 2010. The day my brother got married.

With his best friends beside him.....
To this beautiful lady and her best friends... ( except for he only married the beautiful lady... not her best friends. That would be weird. And illegal. )

And I don't think you could have found a family that was happier or more proud...

They danced to a Merle Haggard song... "Natural High". Which was selected by Dave and fitting for their relationship....

It makes a heart happy to see two people so in love....

Especially these two....

The wedding was INCREDIBLE. Laura's mother really knows how to make an experience memorable.
We laughed. We danced ( there may have been some moon walking involved and a dance off or two).
We celebrated the uniting of two families. We celebrated the uniting of two incredible people. We celebrated the endless supply of laughs and Miller Lite.

We caught up with old friends. We shared hilarious stories from the past. We made new friends...
(pictured: Marines - Danilo and Kelly)
And the best man, Tyler, delivered an unforgettable tribute. About a fellowship and a quest for a wonderful marriage.
And I didn't want the night to end. Because it was just that awesome.
But they had to start their new lives together at some point...

So they honeymooned in Jamaica....

And lived happily ever after....
The End.

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