The Excellent Adventures of Kim and Kev

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Blustery Day

It is cold and rainy today. And rainy. And did I mention that it won't stop raining! It even stormed last night. In the middle of the night. And scared the sense out of me.

I hate loud, destructive thunder storms.

I laid awake and just stared at the lump under the covers on Kev's side of the bed. It didn't budge. Not one bit. Because he ain't afraid of nothin'.

Even clowns!

So, I just sat there and planned our escape. You know... in case a tree fell in to the house. Right on to our bed. Because that happens a lot. I just know it does.

My escape involved pushing Kev off the side of the bed in the nick of time. And then falling on top of him. I thought it was pretty inventive. And brave.

Unfortunately though, I apparently fell asleep again. Because I awoke this morning feeling refreshed with no tree in sight.

When you are married to such a good sleeper... it is your responsibility to protect each other. Ask me any scenario.. and I will have an escape plan. Seriously.

Kev should thank me for it.

So, even though Kev tells me this morning that it really only thundered once and the rain wasn't hitting the window that hard and there may have been one small flash of lightening..... (remember he was asleep and has no idea the danger we were in)... it is still going to rain ALL day. And probably a couple more days.

Which means it is a perfect day for lounging around in the Lodge room. Blogging. And reading cookbooks.

And maybe doing a load of laundry or two. Because I've got to complete a house hold chore every now and then. Just to prove my worthiness.

Of what... I don't know.

So, be prepared for some stories heading your way. Because I'm ready to get caught up and on with my life.

It's the holidays folks! And there is no time for lagging behind!

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